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Yes, it's that time of year where we can give you a few extra pages in the form of presents!

In this special, we have:


Doctor Dot Fullstop: What exactly is Typical English? 


Features: The miserable student has his nice long list of comments that he made over 2018.


Cartoony Universe: More cartoons added, and there's been so many jokes as regards mobile phones that I've decided to give them their own section.


Features: A little update to my light-hearted discussion on why Christmas and New Year in Poland is not as good as you thought.


Quizzes and Puzzles: The final part of our series of quizzes for you on holidays and festivals in the UK and USA.  We've had Part 1 and 2 on the UK, part 1 on the USA; and this week it's Part 2 on the USA. Plus we have all the answers to all the holidays and festival questions! 


 Here's our homage to all those comic annuals - special hardbook book versions of comicbooks especially released for Christmas in the UK. However, you will notice that this special will be not only over Christmas and New Year, but practically the whole of January too. The reason is that in Poland there are two-week winter holidays spread over the whole of January and February, and in 2019 our area gets the second half of January, which means I'll be more family-based at that time. But hope you like the... cover, as we used to like to call them! The next issue will be on FEBRUARY 6 2019. So happy Christmas, happy holidays, and see you all next year!



Typical Errors in English  :  What's the Difference?  :  Features  :  Cartoony Universe  :  Quizzes and Exercises  :  Not4GrammarBores  :  Ask Doctor Dot Fullstop  :  and much more!

All media on this website is © Roger Hartopp/Tertium publishing group 2025, except where noted that they are copyright of a contributor.

Please do not copy without permission. If you do decide to use one of my cartoons for demonstration purposes, or create a link directly to one of my cartoons held on this site, then do please credit where you got it from. Me. Those are the rules, I'm afraid...

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