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Links to other useful sites

There are plenty of other sources around the Net that would help you with your English; elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate and so on. There are many that I have used to help me with my research. So here is a list of those sites, including two of my own creations. I am sure there will be more to add, and if you think there are some I should, then write to us.





BBC NEWS Well, if you want to read what is happening in the UK, then this is the site. Most of the time the English is easy to understand.


BRITISH COUNCIL Technically this would be the competition to this site, but it's not as funny. But it does have a lot of useful explanations about grammar that the book does not have the space to cover.


BRITISH NATIONAL CORPUS One of many examples of corpora around, but this one is freely available. A corpus is a collection of written and spoken texts (usually taken from examples of conversation, fiction, news and academic literature) that is used for language research. As used by TEE. These days, however, a subscription is required.


COLLINS COBUILD DICTIONARY Misleadingly directed to another website, but from here you can get nice, simple explanations and definitions of English words that can be understood by students learning English.


COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY The actual dictionary, but giving short, to the point, definitions.


COMPLETE THE CIRCLE Nothing really to do with TEE, but it is a novel I have been working on for some time. It awaits a publisher. (Okay, I've got a publisher, but they do not do novels...)


CORPUS OF CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN ENGLISH Another corpus, but this time dealing with examples from American English.


THE OFFICIAL ROGER HARTOPP WEBSITE Yes, this is my site! This contains more about me.


OXFORD DICTIONARIES Another online dictionary obviously, but at least this one attempts to answer some of those other questions people ask about English, including some of those originally asked in A Question of English (now out of print) that was also published by the same people.


RADIO POLAND: An English language website with all the stories of what has been making news in Poland, including some radio broadcasts in the English language.


TERTIUM The official publishers to Typical Errors of English. They have quite a few, more serious academic books available for purchase. At the moment the site is in Polish; hopefully - at least when it comes to buying books - there will be an English language ordering service.

All media on this website is © Roger Hartopp/Tertium publishing group 2024, except where noted that they are copyright of a contributor.

Please do not copy without permission. If you do decide to use one of my cartoons for demonstration purposes, or create a link directly to one of my cartoons held on this site, then do please credit where you got it from. Me. Those are the rules, I'm afraid...

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