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Christmas Pathfinder


Trace the path of these words that are connected with Christmas through the grid. You can move up, down, backwards and forwards, but not diagonally. We’ve put the first one in to get you started. But be careful – it is possible to go the wrong way! Of course, if you don't want to put your pen or pencil on the screen, please download the PDF below.


ANGEL                       CANDLE                        CAROLS                      CELEBRATION                CHRISTMAS EVE

DECEMBER               FAMILY                          GINGERBREAD          HAPPY                             HOLLY

JESUS                         JINGLE BELLS               JOLLY                           LIGHTS                           MISTLETOE

NORTH POLE           PRESENTS                     REINDEER                   SANTA CLAUS                SCROOGE

SHOPPING               SNOWMAN                   STOCKING                  TURKEY

All media on this website is © Roger Hartopp/Tertium publishing group 2025, except where noted that they are copyright of a contributor.

Please do not copy without permission. If you do decide to use one of my cartoons for demonstration purposes, or create a link directly to one of my cartoons held on this site, then do please credit where you got it from. Me. Those are the rules, I'm afraid...

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